Stylish D Stylish D

How To Shorten a Dress Shirt AND Still Wear it Untucked

A lot of guys have dress shirts that are too long. They want it to be shorter but they ALSO want to be able to wear it untucked still. I got you, I’ll show you how to use a sewing machine to make your dress shirt shorter. It’s way easier than you think!

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Stylish D Stylish D

Dress Shirt Batwings BE GONE!

Having batwings on your dress shirt is one of the most annoying problems in the world. Luckily they’re easy to fix with a sewing machine, here’s how!

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Stylish D Stylish D

DIY Tailor Any T-Shirt To Fit You Perfectly

Baggy t-shirts are annoying. Sometimes they sell them In a “slim fit” or “tapered fit”. But even those fit like garbage bags. I’ll show you how to make ANY t-shirt for you exactly the way that you want. All you need is a used $50 sewing machine and a desire. Lets go!

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